Digital Banking Account Deletion

Please contact a representative to assist with account deletion.

Contact Us

  1. Phone us at 888-521-5209
  2. Chat with us. Chat services available 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday.
  3. Mail us. Click for our address.

Warning: You can’t recover user records after deleting them. A user whose record was deleted and who wants to access the system must re-register with a new username.

Data Deletion from the App

When you request the deletion of your account, the following data will be deleted:

  • Personal Information: All personally identifiable information such as your name, email address, and phone number.
  • Transaction History: All records of your financial transactions within the app.
  • App Usage Data: Any data related to your interactions and usage of the app.


The Federal Reserve and United States Postal Service will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The Credit Union will be open, however, there will be no mail, wire or ACH transfer processing. We will resume normal operations on Tuesday, January 21.